Coursera for Corona Virus (C4CV) Campus Recognition Program

L4G announces Coursera for Corona Virus (C4CV) Campus Recognition Program to acknowledge the great work done by Institutions, Principals, Departments, HODs, SPOCs, Faculty, and Students during the C4CV Implementation.

Campus Recognitions

L4G-Coursera Faculty Leaders Program

L4G – Coursera Faculty Leaders Program is aimed at recognizing the best faculty performers of Coursera for Corona Virus (C4CV) program on your campus.

There are three levels:

  • L4G – Coursera Faculty Ambassadors
  • L4G – Coursera Faculty Champions
  • L4G – Coursera Faculty Leaders

What is the procedure for Faculty Leaders Program?

  • SPOCs, HODs of your campus will nominate top-performing faculty department wise.
  • L4G – Coursera will shortlist the nominated list with our data for courses completed and time spent on the course.
  • The shortlisted faculty will submit a 2-minute video on L4G – Coursera experience.
  • The shortlisted faculty will also prepare a question bank on the course consumed and submit.
  • From the evaluation of the above, Faculty Ambassadors will be announced.
  • The ambassadors further will have to define projects in the area in lines with the capstone project and submit to become a Faculty Champion.
  • On the evaluation of the submitted project, Faculty Champions will be announced department wise.
  • All Faculty Champions will further need to attend a zoom interview with L4G – Coursera.
  • Based on the interview performance, L4G – Coursera will announce the Faculty Leaders for the campus.

L4G Coursera Campus Champions Program

L4G – Coursera Campus Champions Program is aimed at recognizing the best student performers of Coursera for Corona Virus (C4CV) program on your campus.

There are three levels:

  • L4G – Coursera Campus Fellows
  • L4G – Coursera Campus Ambassadors
  • L4G – Coursera Campus Champions

What is the procedure for Campus Champions Program?

  • HODs/SPOCs will need to nominate 10 best performing students list from each section on the campus who have completed the course/certificate on Coursera.
  • L4G reviews that list with the best performing list with us and a mail will be sent to the shortlisted students.
  • The shortlisted students will need to submit a 2 minutes video about what they have learnt and their experiences with L4G and Coursera along with a digital resume(with a Google Drive link) within 2 days of the mail received.
  • They need to submit their Coursera certificates with a Google Drive link along with the above video
  • The L4G – Coursera Fellows will further take a test related to leadership/communication skills
  • Based on the performance in the test, the L4G – Coursera Campus Ambassadors will be announced department wise.
  • The L4G – Coursera Campus Ambassadors will further need to take a zoom interview with L4G – Coursera team.
  • Based on the performance in the interviews, the L4G – Coursera Campus Champions will be announced campus wise. On review of this data, the L4G – Coursera Campus Fellows will be announced.

Submissions & Benefits

  • All submissions for the above programs need to be made with a google drive link.
  • You will need to upload the requested data at various levels into your google drive and share us the link.
  • We will share the forms for you to share the link along with the further communication you receive from us.
  • All recognitions would be in the form of digital certificates.
  • Discounts will be provided to the eligible faculty and students through discount coupons.

For more queries, mail us at